Mix 4 fun!
That's the time when I know about this xD
1st time i used for a simple photo and then I make an extraordinary photos and here's the result of my craziest and of course..
still normal photo, just combine it and make 2 same people in 1 photo
1st extraordinary photo. I use Jawen's eyes and Risha's mouth, but it still bad, the shadow was poor.
THE BEST PICTURE! I using Stefan's eyes and Risha's mouth, and it gives excelent face. The nose make a great fusion and no shadow (:
but my crazy mind still with me, and again I made it, Astri's face, Risha's body, and Nessa's leg, and here's the result! She's become thin LoL
and the next day, I still with my crazy mind make this again. It made from Daniel's eyes and Cathlin's mouthThere're my crazy mind :D